Operating Charter

The operating charter, scientific directions and policies of Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal may be subject to amendments and modifications upon request from a member of the editorial board, subject to a favorable vote from the board of the Société de Biomécanique. 

Operation of the journal

Multidisciplinary Biomechanics Journal is composed of several types of functions and committees: director of publication, the editor-in-chief, the editorial board, and the peer review committee.

The director of publication is the president of the Société de Biomécanique. The duration of their mandate corresponds to that of their mandate as president of the Société de Biomécanique (up to six years).

The editor-in-chief is the vice president of the Société de Biomécanique. The duration of their mandate corresponds to that of their mandate as vice president of the Société de Biomécanique (up to six years).

The editorial board consists of the editor-in-chief and at least one associate editor for each scientific field covered by the scope of the journal. The role of the editorial board is to determine the editorial policy of the journal, to assist the editor-in-chief in the evaluation process of article proposals. It appoints the peer review committee, ensures the smooth progress of ongoing evaluations, and makes decisions on the publication of article proposals in accordance with the recommendations of the peer reviewers. Members of the editorial board are appointed for three years, renewable once. At the end of this term, they express their desire to continue or not within the editorial board. Vacant positions are filled upon proposal by a committee member or by application and after validation by the board of the Société de Biomécanique. If feasible, gender parity is favored.

The peer review committee consists, for each article submission, of a minimum of two experts chosen by the editorial board. If feasible, gender parity is favored.

Commitment of Members

Members of the journal, belonging to the editorial board or the peer review committee, commit to display no financial or non-financial conflict of interest (see ethical charter for more details). Members of the editorial board commit to attending at least two committee meetings per year (via video conference). Members of the editorial board who encounter difficulties in fulfilling their commitments and/or wishing to step down from their roles are invited to contact the director of publication and editor-in-chief.

The peer review committee commits to perform high-quality reviews that should be sufficiently deep and detailed for the editorial board handling the recommendation process to gain a full appreciation of the qualities, defects, and limitations of the article.


Date: 02/05/2024